New York Supreme Court Declares Kate Browning’s Candidacy Fraudulent and Unlawful; Sites Existing Suffolk Term Limits Law in Striking her from the Ballot

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling affirms the law on term limits and confirms that Kate Browning tried to break the law.

“Thankfully, the New York State Supreme Court upheld the integrity of the term limit law, passed by referendum in 1993, so that the sinister subversion attempted by Kate Browning was not carried out.

“The Suffolk County Republican Committee initiated this litigation in protection of the will of the people and term limits.

“This is a win for all 1.5 residents of Suffolk County, regardless of political affiliation or philosophy and a defeat to career politicians who look for loopholes instead of doing service to the people.

“In his decision, Justice Hudson rejected Kate Browning’s arguments attempting to preposterously utilize laws of California in her pleadings and wrote, “The only way in which to balance these terms is to view "Consecutive" as a word of limitation and not as an invitation to run for Office in the is the Legislature's prerogative to craft such language, not the Court.”

“Kate Browning’s nominating petitions and designation as a candidate were fraudulent at their inception. The fact that she would attempt to perpetrate a fraud on the voters of the 3rd District and the County speaks volumes about her character, or lack thereof.

“As the Court noted, the language of the laws are crafted by the legislature; perhaps Kate Browning should have concentrated more on her job when she was there instead of cashing paychecks.

“Justice was done.”

Maureen Getchell