Suffolk GOP Candidates Create New Ballot Line To Back The Blue


To show their continued and unified support for the police men and women who keep our communities safe, Suffolk County Republican Party candidates for the New York State Legislature have joined together to create the Safe Neighborhoods Party line.  Under the leadership of Chairman Jesse Garcia, committee members throughout the county have been circulating petitions on behalf of both incumbents and challengers to help provide residents with a new choice on the November ballot that will allow them to show their support for police officers and to use their vote to say they back the blue.

The SCGOP effort was inspired to start the effort by the continued disregard for law enforcement by Democratic candidates and elected officials throughout New York State.  Those running on the Democratic line have either worked openly to impede the work of the police or have stood silently while the NYC-centric leadership of their party has minimized and defunded these much-needed public servants.

Chairman Jesse Garcia said, “These progressive socialist democrats are the same politicians who made our neighborhoods less-safe by enacting the dangerous ‘catch and release’ bail reform. There are so many examples of criminals committing heinous crimes and being released hours later to wreak havoc on our community.”

Additionally, the line is a retort to the efforts of Democrats and protestors nationwide who continue to attack the police - both verbally and physically - and call to defund the police throughout the country.  The Republican candidates and elected officials see this as dangerous to the American way of life and stand with the police in our nation.

Today, the collective Republican backed candidates made a statement for concerned Suffolk county residents who stand with them in solidarity for our communities.  Each signature on the ballots represents a resident who is concerned about the safety of their neighborhoods and concerned about the ongoing issues regarding law and order.

Now that the SCGOP has delivered their Safe Neighborhoods Party petitions, the Suffolk County Board of Elections must certify the line so that Suffolk County residents who back the blue can show their support on Election Day which is Tuesday, November 3rd.

After they delivered the petitions to the Suffolk County Board of Elections, Chairman Garcia called for the quick certification of the new line so that the voice of the thousands who joined the concerned Republican candidates can be heard:

The candidates who submitted petitions for the Safe Neighborhood Party Line include:

New York State Senate Senate Candidates:
SD1 Anthony Palumbo, SD2 Mario Mattera, SD3 Alexis Weik, SD4 Phil Boyle, and SD5 Ed Smyth

New York State Assembly Candidates:
AD2 Jodi Giglio, AD3 Joe DeStefano, AD4 Mike Ross, AD5 Doug Smith, AD7 Jarrett Gandolfo, AD8 Mike Fitzpatrick, AD9 Mike Durso, AD10 Jamie Silvestri, AD11 Eugene Murray, and AD12 Keith Brown


Maureen GetchellSCGOP