Suffolk County GOP

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As Chairmen of the two major political parties in Suffolk County, we believe it is critical that we address the recent news story regarding impersonation of County Board of Elections officials in an attempt to intimidate voters. The individuals employing these tactics are NEITHER employees nor representatives of the State or local Boards of Elections and are in fact committing a crime by representing themselves as such. Voting is the most important right we have to select our government representatives and insure our freedoms and liberties, and we find any acts of voter suppression to be intolerable.

There have recently been instances reported throughout New York State and in Suffolk County of individuals appearing at homes to confront residents about their voter registration status and voting history. These individuals are claiming to be representatives of the local Board of Elections, the government agencies responsible for maintaining voter registration data and executing elections throughout our State.

The New York State Board of Elections and the Suffolk County Board of Elections have issued an alert to the public of this criminal action. We feel a duty to support those notifications by issuing a joint statement by both the Republican and Democratic Parties in Suffolk County to call upon those perpetrators to cease such fraudulent actions and we encourage any resident in Suffolk County who experiences such an incident to do the following:

  1. Ask for official identification from anyone appearing at your door claiming to be a Suffolk Election Official.

  2. Call Suffolk County Board of Elections’ administrative offices (631) 852-4500 to confirm the individual is an employee or representative

  3. Do not provide any of your personal information to or answer any questions from anyone refusing to provide you with identification.

  4. Contact local law enforcement immediately (631) 852-COPS or report the incident to the Office of Suffolk County District Attorney (631) 852-4626

Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, another party or a non-party affiliated voter, we stand with you to protect the integrity of our elections.


“Voting is not only our right, it is our power. When we vote, we take back our power to choose, to speak up, and stand with those who support us and each other.”
~Loung Ung